What's Inside "Who Made That?" Curriculum

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    Who Made That? (Grades K-2)

    • Windows To A Mulicultural World's Joy in Motion! Tutorial Video for Grades K-5 Teachers


    • LEARN: Windows To A Multicultural World Learning Standards

    • LEARN: Curated Resources

    • LEARN: Meet the Makers! (Quick View and Downloadable Student Worksheet)

    • LEARN: Meet the Makers! (Full Activity Plan)

    • LEARN: Meet Dr. Gladys West and Mr. Garrett Morgan (Quick View and Downloadable Spotlights, Venn Diagram Worksheet, and Coloring Pages)

    • LEARN: Meet Dr. Gladys West and Mr. Garrett Morgan (Full Activity Plan)

    • COMMUNE: A World Without... (Quick View and Downloadable Student Worksheets)

    • COMMUNE: A World Without... (Full Activity Plan)

    • COMMUNE: Have You Thanked An Inventor Today? (Quick View and Downloadable List of Inventors and Inventions)

    • COMMUNE: Have You Thanked An Inventor Today? (Full Activity Plan)

    • COMMUNE: Matching Games Part 2- (Quick View and Downloadable Resources)

    • COMMUNE: Matching Games Part 2- (Full Activity Plan)

    • CREATE: Matching Games Part 1- (Quick View and Downloadable Resources)

    • CREATE: Matching Games Part 1- (Full Activity Plan)

    • CREATE: Inventor's Biography (Quick View)

    • CREATE: Inventor's Biography (Full Activity Plan)

    • CREATE: Innovate This! (Quick View and Downloadable Sample Visual Arts Activities)

    • CREATE: Innovate This! (Full Activity Plan)

    • CREATE: Traffic Light Box (Quick View and Downloadable Coloring Page)

    • CREATE: Traffic Light Box (Full Activity Plan)